Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Happy Mother's Day" Means More (poem)

"Happy Mother's Day" means more

Than have a nice day.

Within in words lies lots of things

We never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,

Then thanks for all you do.

It means you mean a lot to me,

And that I honor you.

But most of all, I guess it means

That I am thinking of

Your happiness on this, your day,

With pleasure and with love.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


From one bone God fashioned you. The rib which protects man's life. With this one bone he shaped you, he molded you, he created you perfertly and beautifully.
Your characteristics are as the rib; strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most important organ in me, my heart, for the heart is the center of my being.
You support me as the rib cage supports the body; you were not taken from my feet to be beneath me, nor were you taken from my head to be above me, you were taken from my side, to stand beside me! My God bless all women today and forever more

Happy Mother's Day ,

Derrick Pearson

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